Zaproszenie na kongres COTEC-ENOTHE

Szanowni Państwo,

Przekazujemy zaproszenie na kongres COTEC-ENOTHE, który odbędzie się w 2020 roku w Pradze.

Zachęcamy do aktywnego uczestnictwa.

Zarząd PSTZ


Dear COTEC Members,

the 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE CONGRESS 2020 will be held in September 23–26, 2020 in Prague and the Abstraact submission is now open.

The conference theme _‘OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY EUROPE – BUILDING RESILIENCE IN INDIVIDUALS, COMMUNITIES AND COUNTRIES’_ reflects the increasing prevalence of resilience in many aspects of society.

Abstracts are welcome from practitioners, researches as well as from students. The abstract submission deadline is September 30, 2019. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed independently by at least two peer reviewers and the authors will be notified in December 2019.

Please read more and share the link to your members and network [1]

For queries about abstract submission please contact